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Undateable 2014 Sezonul 1 Online Subtitrat

12 Breaking-Bad-Il-cast
Whether it's due to a lack of style, the wrong job, or even just a bad haircut, everyone goes through a time in their lives when they're undateable. Most of us eventually grow out of it, but some people need a little more help than others. dsrtghdsp

Undateable 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 1 Pilot

Undateable 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 2 Pants Buddies

Undateable 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 3 Three's A Crowd

Undateable 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 4 The Switch

Undateable 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 5 My Hero is Me

Undateable 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 6 Leader of the Pack

Undateable 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 7 The Move 2014-06-19

Undateable 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 8 The Julius Effect 2014-06-19

Undateable 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 9 Low Hanging Fruit 2014-06-26

Undateable 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 10 Let There Be Light 2014-06-26


Enter Danny Burton. Confident, attractive and impervious to outside opinions, 29-year-old Danny – who may be in a state of arrested development himself – decides to help out his new roommate, Justin Kearney, the owner of an unsuccessful bar and a chronic overthinker, and Justin's group of oddball friends – Shelly, Burski and Brett. Danny introduces the gang to his recently divorced older sister, Leslie, who immediately bonds with this group of guys, as she feels a little stuck in her own life as well. The gang spends most of their time at Justin's bar, helping solve each other's respective problems over beers, and while they love to give each oth...

Actori:Bianca Kajlich, Chris D'Elia, David Fynn, Briga Heelan, Brent Morin
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