Reevocarea primilor ani de program spatial (1947-1963), dupa cartea The Right Stuff scrisa de Tom Wolfe. Este vorba despre antrenamentele pilotilor astronauti, ale caror vieti sunt tinute in cel mai strict secret. Pentru prima oara, capsulele americane nu mai sunt populate cu cimpanzei, ci cu oameni, trimisi in jurul Pamantului, cu o viteza de 30.000 km pe ora. Eroism, curaj, datorie implinita, toate in slujba Americii si a cuceririi spatiului de catre om. Un film emotionant, din care nu.
Cd1 720
Cd2 720
Tom Wolfe's book on the history of the U.S. Space program reads like a novel, and the film has that same fictional quality. It covers the breaking of the sound barrier by Chuck Yeager to the Mercury 7 astronauts, showing that no one had a clue how to run a space program or how to select people to be in it. Thrilling, funny, charming and electrifying all at once.
The Right Stuff - (1983)
Cursa spatiala
IMDB:7.9/10 din 31133 voturi
Gen:Aventura, Drama, Istoric
Durata:193 minute
Regia:Philip Kaufman
Actori:Sam Shepard, Lance Henriksen, Levon Helm, Barbara Hershey, Fred Ward
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