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Amber 2014 Sezonul 1 Online Subtitrat 720 HD

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Set in Dublin's suburbs, with it's massive empty modern office blocks, Amber's parents Ben and Sarah are recently separated getting on with their lives. Everything changes, however, when Amber fails to return home and it turns out she never turned up at her best friends' house that afternoon as arranged. As her family search for her, their sanity will be tested in the harsh public glare of the media spotlight. dsrtghdsp

Amber 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 1 Sarah

Amber 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 2 Maeve

Amber 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 3 Charlie

Amber 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 4 Ben

Sfarsit de sezon  

 Acest serial s-a Terminat

Amber 2014  Mini Serial (Final)

The disappearance of 14-year-old Amber Bailey sets off a two-year search during which her family will go through unimaginable pressures. As the days, months and years progress the mystery deepens, and strange and terrifying clues come to light, raising yet even more questions. The world becomes gripped by the mystery of the missing teen. What happened to Amber?..Info

Actori:Dan Li, Laura Jane Laughlin, Eva Birthistle, Ned Dennehy, Gary Whelan
Country: Ireland
Durata:52 minute
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