Povestea lui Luke si a lui Bo, care isi petrec timpul in tinutul Hazzard cu masina lor clasica 1969 Dodge Charger. Impreuna cu verisoara lor pusa pe scandal Daisy si cu unchiul Jesse, cei doi baieti buni se lupta cu comisarul corupt al tinutului, pe nume Boss Hog si cu seriful local Roscoe P. Coltrane, care ameninta sa le ia pamantul si ferma. Ei reusesc sa castige o cursa de masini si sa isi racumpere casa.
Cd1 720
Cd2 720
Bo and Luke Duke are southern cousins. In Hazzard County, Bo and Luke help their Uncle Jesse and their sexy cousin Daisy run the Moonshine business and always getting into trouble with Sherriff Roscoe P. Coltrane and recklessly driving in their orange car "General Lee". Boss Hogg, the mean and corrupt local county commissioner who hates The Dukes evicts The Dukes from their farm. Bo and Duke travels to Atlanta and meets up with old friend Katie Johnson and her friend Annette as they set out to find out why Boss Hogg has evicted them from their farm and what he plans to do. With local ace race car driver Billy Prickett in town to take part in the Annual Hazzard Road Race rally, Bo and Luke sets out to save their farm and foil Boss Hogg's scheme.
Streaming: Nowvideo: 1° Tempo – 2° Tempo Putlocker: 1° Tempo – 2° Tempo
I cugini Bo e Luke Duke, con l’aiuto della loro splendida cugina Daisy e dello zio Jesse, sono sempre in conflitto con le autorità della contea di Hazzard, rappresentate da Boss Hogg e dallo sceriffo Rosco Coltrane…
The Dukes of Hazzard - (2005)
Cursa din Hazzard
IMDB:4.8/10 din 45068 voturi
Gen:Actiune, Aventura, Comedie
Durata:104 minute
Regia:Jay Chandrasekhar
Actori:Alice Greczyn, Heather Hemmens, Seann William Scott, M.C. Gainey, Michael Weston
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