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The King And The Mockingbird 1980 Online Subtitrat

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The huge kingdom of Takicardia is ruled by a king under the unwieldy title of Charles V + III = VIII + VIII = XVI. He’s a heartless ruler, hated by his people as much as he hates them. The king is fond of hunting, but is unfortunately cross-eyed – not that anyone would dare acknowledge this in front of him, as the numerous statues and paintings that adorn the palace and the land show. Occasionally the king does hit his target though, notably the wife of the bird, known only as "l'Oiseau", the narrator of the story who takes pleasure in taunting the terrible king at every opportunity.
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In his secret apartment, the king dreams of the beautiful shepherdess whose painting he keeps on his wall, but the shepherdess is in love with the chimney sweep whose hated portrait is on the opposite wall. At night the paintings come to life and attempt to escape from the palace, but are pursued by a non-cross-eyed painting of the king that also has come to life, deposed the real king and has taken his place. He orders the capture of the shepherdess and the sweep, but the bird is there to help when called upon. They are pursued to the depths of the Lower City where the inhabitants have never seen the light of the sun and strange creatures including bat-police take up their chase.

The King and the Mockingbird
Le roi et l'oiseau - (1980)
The King and the Mockingbird
IMDB:7.8/10 din 2078 voturi
Gen:Animatie, Familie, Fantezie, Romantic
Durata:83 minute
Country France
Regia:Paul Grimault
Actori:Claude Piéplu, Robert Lombard, Jean Martin, Pascal Mazzotti, Raymond Bussières
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