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The Night Shift Sezonul 1 Online Subtitrat

2+Lie+to+Me+Sezonul+2 8
"The Night Shift", se concentrează pe o echipa care lucrează în tura de noapte în San Antonio Memorial Hospital. Sunt niste personaje speciale, în special dependenti de adrenalina TC Callahan....dsrtghdsp

The Night Shift 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 1 Pilot

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The Night Shift 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 4 Grace Under Fire

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The Night Shift 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 6 Coming Home

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The Night Shift 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 8 Save Me

Sfarsit de sezon

The Night Shift 2014  2014 1Sezon

"The Night Shift" focuses on the men and women who work the overnight shift at San Antonio Memorial Hospital. They are an irreverent and special breed, particularly adrenaline junkie T.C. Callahan. After three grueling tours of duty in Afghanistan, T.C. is about to learn that his toughest battles will be fought right here at home. He and his team of late-night docs, including best friend Topher and protégé Drew, know how to let off steam with the casual prank or two, but when lives are at stake, they are all business. Unfortunately, the night shift is now under new senior management and boss Michael Ragosa, who has to balance the real-world pressures of cutting costs while battling the stigma that he is more interested in saving money than helping people...Info

The Night Shift
Actori:Eoin Macken, Jeananne Goossen, Jill Flint, Freddy Rodríguez, Ken Leung
Gen:Actiune, Comedie, Drama
Durata:60 minute
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