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The Survivors 1983 Online Subtitrat

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Doi proaspat someri necunoscuti se imprietenesc dupa ce reusesc sa impiedice un jaf. Belelele incep imediat caci cel pe care l-au oprit este si ucigas, iar acum i s-a cam pus pata pe ei. Info

Sonny Paluso and Donald Quinelle are two unfortunate people who just lost their jobs, when they meet in a bar; Sonny's gas station has been blown away and Donald has just been fired by his bosses parrot!!! But that day, their lifes change when they prevent a robber from stealing the bar, and they become heroes. Unfortunately, Jack (the robber) is getting away, and when he sees Donald's face on the TV, he desides to go after them. In the meentime, Donald becomes obsessed with guns and leaves for the mountains, where he will learn to survive.

The Survivors - (1983)
IMDB:5.6/10 din 2259 voturi
Gen:Comedie, Drama
Durata:103 minute
Regia:Michael Ritchie
Actori:Robin Williams, Michael P. Moran, Anne Pitoniak, Walter Matthau, Jerry Reed
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