O multime de oameni furiosi inconjoara puscaria unde este inchis Tom Robinson (Brock Peters) cu intentia de a-l linsa. Prizonierul este un barbat de culoare acuzat de viol. Cel mai respectat avocat din Alabama, Atticus Finch (Gregory Peck) hotaraste sa-l reprezinte, riscandu-si cariera. El ajunge in fata inchisorii si incearca sa impiedice oamenii, dar este si el amenintat. Multimea este pe punctul de a se deslantui, cand, in mijlocul oamenilor apare Jean Louise, fetita de opt ani a lu.
The film's young protagonists, Jean Louise "Scout" Finch (Mary Badham) and her brother Jem (Phillip Alford), live in the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama, during the 1930s. The story covers three years, during which Scout and Jem undergo changes in their lives. They begin as innocent children, who spend their days happily playing games with each other and spying on Arthur "Boo" Radley (Robert Duvall), who has not been seen for many years by anybody as a result of never leaving his house and about whom many rumors circulate. Their widowed father, Atticus (Gregory Peck), is a town lawyer and has a strong belief that all people are to be treated fairly, to turn the other cheek, and to stand for what you believe. He also allows his children to call him by his first name. Early in the film, the children see their father accept hickory nuts, and other produce, from a Mr. Cunningham for legal work because the client has no money. Through their father's work as a lawyer, Scout and Jem begin to learn of the racism and evil in their town, aggravated by poverty; they mature quickly as they are exposed to it.
To Kill a Mockingbird - (1962)
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IMDB:8.5/10 din 117500 voturi
Gen:Mister, Drama, Crima
Durata:129 minute
Regia:Robert Mulligan
Actori:Gregory Peck, John Megna, Frank Overton, Rosemary Murphy, Ruth White, Brock Peters, Estelle Evans, Paul Fix, Collin Wilcox Paxton, James Anderson, Alice Ghostley, Robert Duvall, William Windom, Crahan Denton, Richard Hale
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