Căpitanul Viktor Rebrov încearcă să se descurca bombardament, care a ucis prietenii lui de la Garda de Frontieră în Munții Bieszczady.

Wataha Sezonul 1 Ep 1 Episode 1
Wataha Sezonul 1 Ep 2 Episode 2
Wataha Sezonul 1 Ep 3 Episode 3
Wataha Sezonul 1 Ep 4 Episode 4
Wataha Sezonul 1 Ep 5 Episode 5
Wataha Sezonul 1 Ep 6 Episode 6
Sfarsit de Sezon
Wataha 2014 2014 1Sezon

After bombing attack, which killed his friends from the Border Guard, Captain Wiktor Rebrow trying to unravel the mystery and figure out what happened and who is behind it all.

Wataha (2014– )
Durata: 41 min
Gen: Action | Crime | Drama
Country: Poland
Actori: Dagmara Bak, Piotr Chlewicki, Leszek Lichota
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