Fletch (Chevy Chase) primeste ca mostenire un conac, undeva la tara. Noroc si ghinion in acelasi timp, acest conac este mobilul intregului film. Intr-o buna zi, in conacul lui Fletch se petrece o crima dubioasa. Incercand sa afle cine a fost criminalul,apropiatii lui Fletch, adica un avocat (cu privire de otel), un preot (evanghelist), un terorist (gelos), un editor de ziar (stupid) si o tanara foarte sexy isi unesc fortele in incercarea de a dezlega acest mister... Detalii film
Fletch is a reporter for a Los Angeles newspaper, but he acts more like a detective. When an obscure relative leaves him a Louisiana mansion in his will, Fletch is naturally curious. Arriving in Louisiana, events occur that make him suspect that all is not well, and there is more to the property than he has been led to believe.
Fletch Lives - (1989)
Mostenirea lui Fletch
IMDB:5.8/10 din 10020 voturi
Gen:Comedie, Crima, Mister
Durata:95 minute
Regia:Michael Ritchie
Actori:Geoffrey Lewis, Hal Holbrook, R. Lee Ermey, Patricia Kalember, Chevy Chase
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