O absolventa a facultatii de film isi face lucrarea de diploma. Tema aleasa – un documentar despre anii ’50. Asa ajunge la Birkut, un “erou al muncii socialiste”, foarte mediatizat de regimul comunist in perioada respectiva. Numai ca, tot cercetand, tanara isi da seama ca e ceva ciudat in povestea muncitorului. Si astfel, ceea ce incepuse ca un simplu documentar se transforma, pana in final, intr-o cautare anevoioasa a adevarului...
Cd1 720
Cd2 720
In 1976, a young woman in Krakow is making her diploma film, looking behind the scenes at the life of a 1950s bricklayer, Birkut, who was briefly a proletariat hero, at how that heroism was created, and what became of him. She gets hold of outtakes and censored footage and interviews the man's friends, ex-wife, and the filmmaker who made him a hero. A portrait of Birkut emerges: he believed in the workers' revolution, in building housing for all, and his very virtues were his undoing. Her hard-driving style and the content of the film unnerve her supervisor, who kills the project with the excuse she's over budget. Is there any way she can push the film to completion?
Man of Marble 1977
Omul de marmura
L'uomo di marmo (1977)
"Czlowiek z marmuru"
IMDB: Ratings: 8,0/10 from 2.040 users
Durata165 min
Gen: Drama
Țară: Polonia
Director: Andrzej Wajda
Writer: Aleksander Scibor-Rylski
Stars: Krystyna Janda, Jerzy Radziwilowicz, Tadeusz Lomnicki, Jacek Lomnicki, Michal Tarkowski, Piotr Cieslak
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