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The Portrait of a Lady 1996 Online Subtitrat

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Jane Campion, ce a regizat şi filmul PIANUL, ne prezintă prin acest film, viziunea ei puternica şi senzuală asupra excelentei nuvele despre libertate şi seducţie, scrisă de Henry James. Nicole Kidman joacă rolul lui Isabel Archer, o tânără independentă şi plină de dorinţe. Dar inocența şi încăpăţânarea ei nu se potrivesc cu planurile de manipulare ale viclenei ei prietene, Madame Merle (Barbara Hershey) şi ale maliţiosului Gilbert Osmond (John Malkovich).dsrtghdsp


Isabel Archer, an American heiress and free thinker travels to Europe to find herself. She tactfully rebuffs the advances of Caspar Goodwood, another American who has followed her to England. Her cousin, Ralph Touchett, wise but sickly becomes a soulmate of sorts for her. She makes an unfortunate alliance with the creepy Madame Merle who leads her to make an even more unfortunate alliance with Gilbert Osmond, a smooth but cold collector of Objets' de art who seduces her with an intense but unattainable sexuality. Isabel marries Osmond only to realize she's just another piece of art for his collection and that Madame Merle and Osmond are lovers who had hatched a diabolical scheme to take Isabel's fortune. Isabel's only comfort is the innocent daughter of Osmond, Pansy, but even that friendship is spoiled when Countess Gemini, Osmond's sister, reveals the child's true parentage. Isabel finally breaks free of Osmond and returns to Ralph's bedside, where, while breathing his last, they ..Info

The Portrait of a Lady
Portretul unei doamne
Regia:Jane Campion
Actori:Martin Donovan, Richard E. Grant, Roger Ashton-Griffiths, John Malkovich, Barbara Hershey
Gen:Drama, Romantic
Durata:144 minute
IMDB:6.1/10 din 6609 voturi
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