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Broadway Danny Rose 1984 Online Subtitrat

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Woody Allen este legendarul Danny Rose, cel mai talentat agent de pe Broadway, tipul a carui poveste este pe buzele tuturor. El ii va reprezenta pe cei care au fost tinta bataii de joc pe toate scenele pe care au performat vreodata si vom exemplifica imediat care sunt clientii lui Danny: un xilofonist orb, cateva cantarete la pahare cu apa sau cantareti betivi.  dsrtghdsp

Danny Rose is a manager of artists, and although he's not very successful, he nevertheless goes out of his way to help his acts. So when Lou Canova, a singer who has a chance of making a come-back, asks Danny to help him with a problem, Danny helps him. This problem is Lou's mistress Tina. Lou wants Tina to be at his concerts, otherwise he can't perform, but he's married, so Danny has to take her along as if she was his girlfriend. Danny however gets more than he has bargained for when two mobsters come looking for the guy who has hurt their brother by stealing the heart of Tina, the girl he loves...Info


Intorno al tavolo di un ristorante, alcuni vecchi artisti del varietà rievocano il passato. Uno di loro racconta la storia di Danny Rose, bravo e modesto impresario. Tenacissimo nel piazzare i suoi protetti, venne sempre abbandonato da quelli che riuscirono ad avere successo. Come Lou Canova, cantante destinato alla gloria che Danny Rose rilanciò alla grande sfidando le bizze della nervosa Tina, ma anche l’ira funesta di un boss mafioso troppo interessato alle grazie della suddetta…

Broadway Danny Rose (1984)
Durata: 84 min
Gen: Comedy - 27 January 1984 (USA)
Imdb: 7,5/10 from 14.732 users
Director: Woody Allen
Writer: Woody Allen
Stars: Woody Allen, Mia Farrow, Nick Apollo Forte, Sandy Baron
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