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Dance of the Dead 2008 Online Subtitrat

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Un film horror original a carui actiune se petrece intr-un orasel din statul american Georgia, in noaptea balului de absolvire a liceului. Mult asteptatul bal ar trebui sa fie un moment de bucurie si distractie pentru tinerii adolescenti, dar ar putea reprezenta totodata si un motiv de anxietate si disperare in conditiile in care mortii din cimitirul local ar reveni la viata si ar porni intr-un mars sangeros prin oras in cautare de carne umana pe care sa o devoreze...dsrtghdsp
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It is prom night in middle America. Tuxes have been rented and dresses have been bought. But when the dead unexpectedly rise from their graves to eat the living, it's up to the geeks, the nerds, the outcast and the losers who couldn't get dates to the dance to save the town from the undead. Unlikely heroes will rise to the challenge as they are forced to put aside their differences and band together to fight for their lives. Armed with bats, sledgehammers, garden tools and guitars, this rag-tag group of high-school teens are in for a prom night they will never forget...Info

Dance of the Dead
Regia:Gregg Bishop
Actori:Blair Redford, Jared Kusnitz, Randy McDowell, Lucas Till, Greyson Chadwick
Gen:Comedie, Groaza
Durata:87 minute
IMDB:5.9/10 din 7636 voturi
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