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Painted Skin 1 2008 Online Subtitrat

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Un thriller de actiune ce o are in centrul pe Xiaowei, o femeie-vampir care are obiceiul sa-si jupoaie iubitii si sa le manance pielea si inima...dsrtghdsp
Cd1 720
Cd2 720


Where there is trouble, there is solution. This time, the troubles comes from two myth spirits that take the form of a human. Disguise in human skin and clothes, the two continues to take the heart of human to stay alive and young. But one of them leads to the wrong path and fall in love with a married man. What will happen to the live of this man and his wife after saving the her from the barbarians?..Info

Painted Skin
Wa pei
Alt titlu:Hua pi
Regia:Gordon Chan | Danny Ko
Actori:Betty Sun, Kun Chen, Yuwu Qi, Wei Zhao, Donnie Yen
Gen:Actiune, Drama, Suspans
Durata:103 minute
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