Filmul urmareste tensiunile si luptele dintre doua grupari de tineri - The Greasers si The Socs. Ponyboy Curtis si Johnny Cade, doi baieti din banda Greasers, merg intr-o seara la cinematograf. Ei il opresc pe Dally Winston in incercarea lui de a "avea succes" cu Sherri Valance si Marcia, iar apoi se indragostesc de cele doua fete. Baietii nu stiu ca fetele fac parte din grupul snobilor si bogatilor din Socs.

Cd1 720
Cd2 720
Un conflict intre Johnny si Bob Sheldon, cel mai dur si mai rau membru al grupului Socs, are ca urmare moartea lui Bob. Acum cei de la Socs le cer socoteala celor de la Greasers. Acesti tineri americani cad victimele diferentelor sociale a acelor vremuri, lipsei de educatie si nevoii adolescentilor de a imbratisa un curent, de a face parte dintr-un grup sau de a se identifica cu un stil...Info
The movie details a town split between the wealthy South Zone gang called 'The Socials' and the poor North Zone gang called 'The Greasers'. Dallas Winston, Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade from 'The Greasers' befriend the rich Cherry Valance and Marcia at a drive-in. Later that night, a group of 'The Socs' chase and beat up Johnny and attempt to drown Ponyboy in a fountain. However, Johnny stabs one Soc and kills him, saving Ponyboy. The desperate boys seek Dallas who finds a hideout for them in a nearby town. One week later, Johnny and Ponyboy decide to return to their hometown, with Dallas, to claim the murder as self-defense. But on their way back, they see the church on fire and Ponyboy and Johnny help the children trapped in the church and become heroes. However Johnny is badly wounded and confined to the hospital. Meanwhile The Socs and The Greasers prepare to fight.
I miti dei ragazzi della 56esima strada, quelli che arrivano dalla zona operaia della città, sono il rock’n'roll, le ragazze e la violenza urbana. I loro nemici giurati sono i “social”, figli della borghesia “bene”, impettiti ma non meno violenti, e sempre pronti allo scontro. Un duello con i coltelli e l’incendio di una chiesa innescheranno la tragedia…
The Outsiders
I ragazzi della 56ª strada
Regia:Francis Ford Coppola
Actori:C. Thomas Howell, Patrick Swayze, Rob Lowe, Matt Dillon, Tom Cruise
Gen:Crima, Drama, Romantic
Durata:91 minute
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