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Bhoothnath Returns 2014 Online Subtitrat

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Filmul indian Bhoothnath Returns, duce povestea lui Bhoothnath înainte. El se întoarce la "Bhoot World", el este întâmpinat cu batjocura și judecat de alte fantome pentru ca a adus dezonoare pentru comunitatea de fantome pentru ca a fost bruscat de către un copil de pe Pamant. Dupa umilirea primita , Bhoothnath decide să se răscumpere și să vină înapoi pentru a speria un grup de copii. ..dsrtghdsp
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Bhoothnath Returns takes Bhoothnath's story forward. As he returns to 'Bhoot World' he is greeted with taunts and condemnation from other ghosts for bringing disrepute to the ghost-community for getting bullied by a kid on Earth. Post the humiliation, Bhoothnath decides to redeem himself and come back to scare a bunch of kids. Bhoothnath's search for kids brings him to Akhrot, a slum kid who is also the only person who can see him. Together they agree to help each other and their friendship sees them get involved in a cause that is bigger than they had ever imagined. To move ahead they will need to take on one of the country's most powerful and corrupt politician Bhau. The Lok Sabha elections are nearing and Bhau's victory is a mere formality, or is it? In a world, where a common man is afraid of politics, will a common man's ghost overcome his fear to stand up for what's right and fight against injustice? Bhoothnath Returns is an entertaining tale of good against evil, weak against ..

Bhoothnath Returns (2014)
Durata: 155 min
Gen:Comedy | Drama | Horror
Country: India
Director: Nitesh Tiwari
Writers: Piyush Gupta, Shreyas Jain.
Stars: Amitabh Bachchan, Boman Irani, Parth Bhalerao,
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