Această peliculă oglindește povestea adevărată a unui om care îndrăznește să-i sfideze pe sovietici în plin sistem comunist. Spionul polonez din spectaculoasa eră a Războiului Rece, colonelul Ryszard Kuklinski, informează americanii despre secretele de top din blocul comunist....

Cd1 720
Cd2 720
This gripping spy thriller tells the true story of a man who dares to challenge the Soviet empire. While planning the maneuvers of the Warsaw Pact forces, Polish army colonel Ryszard Kuklinski has access to top secrets. He gets to know that the American nuclear counterattack against Soviet forces is planned to be executed on Polish territory. Thanks to his determination, he starts a long, lonely and psychologically exhausting cooperation with CIA. From that very moment the life of his family and his own is in constant danger as one careless move may lead to tragedy...info
Jack Strong
Regia:Wladyslaw Pasikowski
Country: Poland
Gen:Crima, Biografie, Actiune
Durata:128 minute
Actori: Marcin Dorocinski Maja Ostaszewska Patrick Wilson Dimitri Bilov Dagmara Dominczyk Oleg Maslennikov Krzysztof Pieczynski Miroslaw Baka Zbigniew Zamachowski Krzysztof Globisz Pawel Malaszynski Ireneusz Czop Pawel Iwanicki Zbigniew Stryj Mariusz Bonaszewski Ksawery Szlenkier Krzysztof Dracz Volodymyr Necheporenko Piotr Nerlewski Józef Pawlowski Michalina Olszanska Matthew Burton Peter Gilbert Cotton Robert Eliot Jeff Burrell David Wurawa Ilja Zmiejew Igor Lesow Eduard Bezrodniy Maurycy Matalowski
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