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The Tower 2012 Online Subtitrat

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Filmul este realizat în Ajunul Crăciunului într-un turn de lux. Pregătirile sunt în plin zbor pentru un partid care va ura bun venit creme de la creme a societatii. Aceasta evocă imediat Die Hard Bruce Willis a lui, în care firma soției personajului lui este organiza o petrecere de Ajunul Crăciunului într-un turn.Partid este mai târziu gatecrashed de teroriști europene. ..dsrtghdsp
Cd1 720
Cd2 720




On Christmas Eve at Tower Sky, an ultra-luxurious building complex, a White Christmas party is held to dazzle its equally high-end tenants and VIP guests. Dae-ho, the manager of the building and single father, is forced to cancel plans with his daughter Hana to work the event. His Christmas is saved when Yoon-hee, the food mall manager with a secret crush on Dae-ho, offers to babysit Hana during the party. Meanwhile, Young-ki the legendary fire chief of Yoido Station has finally promised his first holiday date night to his long suffering wife. The party is in full swing with the spectacular sight of two helicopters flying overhead just to spray snow on the partygoers and make everything perfect. When unthinkable disaster strikes, Dae-ho and Young-ki must summon all their strength and courage to save the lives of thousands but at what cost to themselves and their loved ones?..Info

The Tower 2012
Ta-weo (2012)
Durata: 121 min
Gen: Action | Comedy | Drama
Director: Ji-hoon Kim
Writers: Sang-don Kim, Ji-hoon Kim
Stars: Sang-kyung Kim, Ye-jin Son, Kyung-gu Sol
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