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Gardiens de l'ordre 2010 Online Subtitrat

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Ai putea spune ca Alex Lippi este un domn de onoare, dar nu este adevărat. Desigur, el are deja fermecul armatei de femei, tinere şi mai puţin tinere, franceze şi străine.Într-adevăr, el este facut pentru a sparge cuplaje nedorite. De data aceasta el trebuie să împiedice o doamnă bogată tânără să se căsătorească un milionar englez. Fata este frumoasa si viitorul sot un barbat perfect. El va reuşi să îndeplinească această misiune dificilă?dsrtghdsp

During a routine night patrol, police officer Bastien, his long-term partner Julie and the newcomer cop Simon are called out by a neighbor complaining of the noise in another apartment. Bastien knocks the door and out of the blue, the dweller opens the door and shoots him in the chest. Julie shoots the man who is high on drugs and apprehends a strange fluorescent yellow drug. They soon learn that the man is the son of a politician, and they are forced to sign a statement saying that the shooting was accidental. When the man recovers in the hospital, he sues the police officers and the police department does not support them. However, their chief tells them that they should find the trafficker that sold the drugs to the man. So Julie and Simon go undercover to the underworld of drugs.movieinfocopy

Gardiens de l'ordre (2010)
Rating IMDB: 6.1/10 din 522 voturi
Country: France
Gen: Crima | Drama | Suspans
Regia: Nicolas Boukhrief
Actori: Nicolas Grandhomme, David Salles, Vincent Rottiers, Nicolas Gonzales, Nicolas Marié,
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