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Gi-soo, Myeong-sik și Ah-rom au fost membrii aceleiași reputate bande de motocicliști. Ei s-au bucurat impreună pe vremea cand rulau cu imprudență pe motociclete. În prezent Gi-soo furnizează servicii de curierat rapid pe motociclete. Myeong-sik este un polițist care își face traba tot pe motocicleta de serviciu iar Ah-rom este cantăreață pop. ...dsrtghdsp




Gi-soo, Myeong-sik and Ah-rom were members of the same notorious motorcycle gang. They enjoyed their days roaming the streets recklessly on the motorcycles. Now, Gi-soo works as a motorcycle delivery man, Myeong-sik is a motorcycle cop and Ah-rom is a pop idol singer. One day, Gi-soo has Ah-rom riding on the back of his motorcycle as he makes a delivery. To his surprise the delivery package explodes. Gi-soo's cellphone rings and he hears a voice telling him that their is another bomb planted in his helmet which Ah-rom is wearing. Gi-soo is ordered to take another delivery. If the delivery is late or he attempts to run away the helmet will explode...Info

Alt titlu:Kwik
Gen:Suspans, Comedie, Actiune
Country: South Korea
Durata:115 minute
Regia:Beom-gu Cho
Actori:Gook-hwan Jeon, Je-mun Yun, Dong-seok Ma, Ye-won Kang, Jae-ho Song
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