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Arrow The Ultimate Weapon 2011 Online Subtitrat

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In timpul invaziei doua Manchu din Coreea, un sat este atacat de soldaţi manciurian. Manciurian răpit Ja-in in ziua nuntii ei cu iubita din copilarie Seo-Goon. Fratele ei Nam-Yi învinge inamicul şi a salva pe sora lui şi a celorlalte victime coreene cu un singur arc.dsrtghdsp

Two children Nam-yi and Ja-in are being chased by King Injo's guards and saved by their father Choi Pyeong-ryung, an officer of King Gwanghae and a skilled archer. He sends his own children to find a place of refuge with his best friend Kim Mu-seon. As they escape crying, Ja-in begs her brother to go back to their father but their father is killed in front of Nam-yi. Nam-yi, though bitten by the guard dogs, kills them and escapes with Ja-in. Nam-yi becomes the only family Ja-in has. 13 years later Nam-yi is now a skilled archer and hunter. He learns from Mu-seon's son Seo-goon that he and Ja-in plan to get married, with the approval of Mu-seon who is also Ja-in's godfather. During the wedding, Nam-yi is up in the mountains hunting deer. He hears the rumble of the invading forces. When Nam-yi makes it back to the village, he finds his step-father slaughtered and his sister taken away. Nam-yi then sets out to find the Qing army and take out their army with his bow.movieinfocopy

War of the Arrows - (2011)
Alt titlu:Choi-jong-byeong-gi Hwal
Gen:Actiune, Istoric
Country: South Korea
Durata:122 minute
Regia:Hae-il Park, Seung-yong Ryoo, Mu-Yeol Kim, Han-wi Lee, Kyeong-yeong Lee, Moon Chae-Won, No-shik Park, Gi-woong Park, Seung-joon Lee, Rye Hei Otani, Eunjin Kang, Gu-taek Kim, Jae-goo Lee, Da-wit Lee, Min-seo Jeon, Jo Sin-je
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