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Splinter 2008 Online Subtitrat

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Prinşi în preajma unei benzinării izolate de un parazit bizar care-şi transformă victimele, încă vii, în gazde mortale, un tânăr cuplu şi un condamnat evadat sunt nevoiţi să colaboreze pentru a scăpa cât mai repede...dsrtghdsp
Cd1 720
Cd2 720



While camping in the woods, Polly Watt and her clumsy boyfriend Seth Belzer damage their tent. They decide to spend the night in a low-budget motel. Meanwhile the criminals, Lacey Belisle and Dennis Farell, have trouble with their runaway car while heading to Platt and they walk on the lonely road. When Polly passes by Lacey, she stops the car and the couple is rendered by Dennis. However, Polly hits something in the road and while replacing the tire, they are attacked by a weird splinter. The car overheats and they stop in a gas station, where they are trapped by zombies, victims of the splinter parasite.movieinfocopy



Attaccati e intrappolati in una stazione di servizio isolata, una giovane coppia e un carcerato in fuga dovranno salvarsi dal loro mostruoso aggressore: un parassita che trasforma le sue vittime in esseri assetati di sangue…

Gen:Drama, Groaza, Suspans
Durata:82 minute
IMDB:6.1/10 din 16250 voturi
Regia:Toby Wilkins
Actori:Shea Whigham, Paulo Costanzo, Jill Wagner, Charles Baker, Laurel Whitsett, Rachel Kerbs
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