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Young Ones 2014 Online Subtitrat

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In viitorul indepartat, apa a devenit cea mai pretioasa resursa si cea mai putina de pe pamant.Ea dicteaza totul, de la relatiile de familie pana la politica si chiar relatiile armonioase.Pamanatul a devenit un loc uscat in urma lipsei de apa.Cei care au supravietuit pana acuma din cauza lipsei de apa, duc o lupta continua pentru supravietuire.Ernest Holm lupta in mod constatnt cu hotii pentru a isi apara cei doi copii Jerome si Mary si sotia lui.Dar iubitul lui Mary ar un plan.Vrea sa obtina pamantul lui Ernest. Si e in stare sa faca orice pentru a fi a lui.dsrtghdsp
Cd1 720
Cd2 720



Set in a near future when water has become the most precious and dwindling resource on the planet, one that dictates everything from the macro of political policy to the detailed micro of interpersonal family and romantic relationships. The land has withered into something wretched. The dust has settled on a lonely, barren planet. The hardened survivors of the loss of Earth's precious resources scrape and struggle. Ernest Holm Michael Shannon lives on this harsh frontier with his children, Jerome Kodi Smit-McPhee and Mary Elle Fanning. He defends his farm from bandits, works the supply routes, and hopes to rejuvenate the soil. But Mary's boyfriend, Flem Lever (Nicholas Hoult), has grander designs. He wants Ernest's land for himself, and will go to any length to get it. From writer/director Jake Paltrow comes a futuristic western, told in three chapters, which inventively layers Greek tragedy over an ethereal narrative that's steeped deeply in the values of the American West. movieinfocopy

Young Ones
Gen:Actiune, Drama, SF
Durata:100 minute
Regia:Jake Paltrow
Actori:Nicholas Hoult, Michael Shannon, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Elle Fanning, Aimee Mullins, Alex McGregor, Andy McPhee, Robert Hobbs, David Butler, Liah O'Prey, David Clatworthy, Christy Pankhurst, Carel Nel
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