Ma Jun este un politist cunoscut pentru violenta de care abuzeaza in timpul arestarilor. El se aliaza cu Hua Sheng, un politist sub acoperire, pentru a incerca sa ii dea jos de la putere pe doi frati vietnamezi. Cel mai in varsta, Xian Wei Cha, este arestat intr-o operatiune care il expune pe Sheng si aproape ca il si ucide. Prietena lui Qiu Di, care nu stie de fapt cu ce se ocupa Sheng, vrea ca el sa renunte la viata asta. Jun urmareste banda fara incetare, de multe ori ignorand protocoalele politiei. Acum, ca se apropie judecarea lui Zah, martorii sunt in pericol, si o confruntare finala este inevitabila.

Cd1 1080p
Cd2 1080p
Ma Jun, a cop known for dispensing justice during arrests, teams with Hua Sheng, who's undercover, to try to bring down three merciless Vietnamese brothers running a smuggling ring in the months before the mainland's takeover of Hong Kong. The eldest, Xian Wei Cha (called Zah), is arrested in an operation that exposes Sheng and almost gets him killed. His girlfriend, Qiu Di, who's been unaware of Sheng's profession, wants to see him quit. Jun pursues the gang tirelessly, sometimes ignoring police protocols. Zah's trial approaches, witnesses are in danger, and a showdown is inevitable.

Flash Point
Dou fo sin
Alt titlu:Dou fo sin
Durata:88 minute
Country: Hong Kong | China
Regia:Wilson Yip
Actori:Bingbing Fan, Yu Xing, Louis Koo, Tony Ho, Donnie Yen
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