Un pshihiatru tanara s-a indragostit de o pacienta de a lui pe nume Renata. lauro impreuna cu Renata au o relatie bazata pe iubisre si incredere acuma. Pentru a scapa de stresul de zi cu zi ei pornesc intr-o calatorie la munte, cautand liniste si aer curat. Dar ce nu stiu ei ca locul unde o sa campeze este batuta de un criminal in serie.

Cd1 720
Cd2 720
An A-student's life is turned upside-down when inappropriate status updates and photos appear on her online profile. She claims she is being set up, but no one believes her. Her only solace during this crisis is her mother, although even she admits that she's not looking forward to being all alone once her daughter leaves for college. Now she must figure out who is hacking her profile before her reputation and chance to get into a good college are ruined. Maybe it's her ex-boyfriend, a jealous friend competing for the same scholarship or someone far more dangerous than she could have ever imagined.

Social Nightmare
Gen:Drama, Mister
Durata:91 minute
Regia:Mark Quod
Actori:Daryl Hannah, Kirsten Prout, Chloe Bridges, Brandon Smith, Brittania Carraway, Rachel True, Tim Russ, Keith Allan, Kevin E. West, Chase Austin, Jayme Lynn Evans, Skyler Vallo, Eric Colton, Michael Gaglio, Donnell Turner, Stephen Graham, Karsa Shokram, Rickey Castleberry, Kari Nissena, Aaron Jaeger, Pierce Baird, Adrian Bustamante, Jordan Potter, Adam Parlevliet, Tara Cirillo
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