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L'extravagant voyage du jeune et prodigieux T.S. Spivet 2013 Online Subtitrat

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Un cartograf în vârstă de doar zece ani părăseşte în secret ranch-ul din Montana al familiei sale pentru a călători de-a lungul şi de-a latul ţării într-un tren de marfă. Destinaţia sa? Institutul Smithsonian, unde ar trebui să primească un premiu dsrtghdsp


Cd1 1080p
Cd2 1080p

T.S. Spivet lives on a ranch in Montana with his mother who is obsessed with the morphology of beetles, his father (a cowboy born a hundred years too late) and his 14 year-old sister who dreams of becoming Miss America. T.S. is a 10 year-old prodigy with a passion for cartography and scientific inventions. One day, he receives an unexpected call from the Smithsonian museum telling him that he is the winner of the very prestigious Baird prize for his discovery of the perpetual motion machine and that he is invited to a reception in his honor where he is expected to give a speech. Without telling anyone, he sets out on a freight train across the U.S.A. to reach Washington DC. There is also Layton, twin brother of T.S., who died in an accident involving a firearm in the family's barn, which no one ever speaks of. T.S. was with him, measuring the scale of the gunshots for an experiment, and he doesn't understand what happened.movieinfocopy

L'extravagant voyage du jeune et prodigieux T.S. Spivet
Aventurile lui T.S.Spivet
Gen:Actiune, Aventura, Drama
Durata:105 minute
Country: France | Australia | Canada
Regia:Directors: Jean-Pierre Jeunet , Name
Actori:Helena Bonham Carter, Judy Davis, Robert Maillet, Callum Keith Rennie, Julian Richings, Jakob Davies, Dominique Pinon, Niamh Wilson, Amber Goldfarb, Dawn Ford, Kyle Catlett, Mairtin O'Carrigan, Rick Mercer, Richard Jutras, Lisa Bronwyn Moore, Sylvia Stewart, James Bradford, Benoit Priest, Marc Primeau, Noël Burton, Catherine Lemieux
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