Serialul creat de Fabrice Gobert foloseşte o formulă familiară producţiilor fantasy şi SF: un eveniment misterios ia pe nepregătite locuitorii unui mic orăşel, aceştia încercând, cum poate fiecare, să facă faţă provocării. În The Returned premisa poate da fiori, pentru că evenimentul priveşte misterioasa revenire la viaţă a mai multor persoane decedate. Acestea reapar ca prin minune în oraş şi încercă să-şi reia existenţa, dar bineînţeles că acest lucru nu este posibil.

The Returned opens in a small mountain community which is rocked to its core when several local people who are presumed dead suddenly re-appear at their homes. Despite having passed away some years earlier, these ghostly characters appear in human form, they have not aged, and they are completely unaware of their own fatality. Determined to reclaim their lives and start over, they slowly come to realize that they are not the only ones to have been brought back from the dead. Their return augers torment for their community when a gruesome murder attempt bear a chilling resemblance to the work of a serial killer from the past. This is a homecoming like no other.

The Returned
Alt titlu:Les Revenants
The Returned
Country: France
Durata:52 minute
Actori:Clotilde Hesme, Anne Consigny, Samir Guesmi, Frédéric Pierrot, Guillaume Gouix
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