Charlie Goodson este un fost jucator profesionist de basseball, a carui cariera s-a incheiat brusc ca urmare a furiei necontrolate. Acum Charlie este un terapeut de control al furiei, despartit de sotie, tata al unei adolescente, care incearca sa treaca prin viata impartita intre timpul acordat pacientilor, femeilor cu care se intalneste, frumoasei colegi de breasla si fiicei...

In Anger Management, Sheen stars as "Charlie," a non-traditional therapist specializing in anger management. Selma Blair, Shawnee Smith, Daniela Bobadilla, Michael Arden, and Noureen DeWulf co-star. He has a successful private practice, holding sessions with his group of primary patients each week, as well as performing pro bono counseling for an inmate group at a state prison. Charlie thrives on the chaos in his life while still battling his own anger issues. His life is complicated by his relationships with his own therapist/best friend, an ex-wife whose positive outlook but poor choice in men frustrates Charlie, and their 13-year-old daughter who has obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Anger Management
Regia:Joel Gallen
Actori:Daniela Bobadilla, Michael Arden, Stephen Taylor, Noureen DeWulf, Derek Richardson
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