Membrii unei societati secrete sunt nemuritori datorita capacitatii lor unice de a se refugia in corpurile altor persoane. In deschiderea serialului Intruders, sotia unui politist pensionat dispare in drum spre Seattle. Ea avea o intalnire de afaceri acolo. In timp ce sotul ei o cauta disperat, un prieten de al sau ii cere ajutorul pentru a rezolva o crima. Intre timp, o fata de 9 ani se comporta foarte ciudat dupa ce a vazut n strain pe o plaja si un asasin face tot posibilul ca secretul sau sa nu iasa la iveala.

Intruders 2014 2014 1 Sezon

From writer and executive producer Glen Morgan (The X-Files), Intruders is about a secret society devoted to chasing immortality by seeking refuge in the bodies of others. A contemporary, chilling, paranormal tale set in the moody Pacific Northwest, the eight part series spins a fascinating and complex web of drama. As strange, apparently unrelated events start happening, multiple story-lines – a missing wife, an assassin covering his crimes, a child on the run – begin to intertwine to reveal a conspiracy that will forever change our understanding of human nature. Produced by BBC Worldwide Productions, the series is based on British novelist Michael Marshall Smith’s ‘The Intruders’...Info
Actori:Sonya Salomaa, Rukiya Bernard, Tom Butler, Karin Konoval, John Simm
Gen:Mister, Suspans
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