Când un obiect misterios se prăbuşeşte pe Terra, mai mulţi oameni aparent fără nicio legătură între ei mor din cauza pulsului energetic emis de obiect. Curând, ei vor reveni la viaţă pentru a-şi da seama că-i aşteaptă un destin exemplar: sunt singurii în stare să împiedice apocalipsa.

In the New Mexico desert, scientist Vera Ivanov (Shantel VanSanten) watches in fascination as a mysterious object plummets to Earth and explodes, sending out a shock wave that briefly stops her heart. But Vera isn't the only one affected: she's instantly connected to four other strangers, who also collapse only to miraculously come back to life hours later. Then a mysterious figure known only as "The Man" (Diogo Morgado) comes and offers Vera the chance to be reunited with her kidnapped son, if she helps him with one morally complicated task. Now, this group of strangers might be the only hope for preventing the impending Rapture... or causing it.

The Messengers
Actori:Joel Courtney, Sam Littlefield, Shantel VanSanten, JD Pardo, Jessika Van
Durata:60 minute
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