Un serial TV ce are ca protagonist pe Frank Martin (Cris Vance), un fost agent al serviciilor secrete ce acum isi traieste viata ca un curier de "marfuri" ce nu pune intrebari! Are 3 reguli dupa care isi face treaba, dar incalca aceste reguli in mod constant, lucru ce duce la aparitia unor situatii neprevazute conturate de suspans si adrenalina.

The continuing the adventures of Frank Martin, a professional freelance courier driver for hire who will deliver anything, anywhere, no questions asked for the right price, and lives by three, unbreakable rules, which he constantly breaks.
Transporter: The Series - (2012)
Gen:Actiune, Crima
Country: Canada | France | USA | Germany
Regia:Louis Leterrier | Corey Yuen | Louis Leterrier | Steven Soderbergh
Actori:Charly Hübner, François Berléand, Andrea Osvárt, Delphine Chanéac, Chris Vance
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