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Iceman 2014 Online Subtitrat

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Filmul de actiune "Iceman" se petrece in timpul dinastiei Ming – China, patru orfani; Ying, Sao, Yuanlong si Niehu sunt ridicati în Taoyuan Village sa devina aproape de a fi frati. Abilitatile lor exceptionale de arte martiale le permite sa ajunga la cel mai înalt rang în garzile imperiale. Dupa o încercare reusita de a ucide un lider japonez, împaratul ii ordona lui Ying sa escorteze Golden Wheel of Time de la Sindu înapoi in capitala. dsrtghdsp
Cd1 720
Cd2 720





During the Ming Dynasty four orphans; Ying, Sao, Yuanlong and Niehu are raised in Taoyuan Village and become close to being brothers. Their exceptional martial arts skills allows them to reach the highest rank within the imperial guards. After a successful attempt to kill a Japanese troop leader, the Emperor orders Ying to escort the Golden Wheel of Time from Sindu back to the capital, which is said to have the power of time travel and foresee into the future. From the correspondence between Japanese and Ming officials seized from the mission, Mr. Tu - the Chief of National Defence - reveals that he can identify the traitor by the handwritings. On the way of escorting the Golden Wheel of Time in the snow, Ying is surprisingly confronted by Sao, Yuanlong and Niehu. They inform Ying the news of the murder of Tu's family with Ying as the killer. The Emperor believes that Ying killed Tu in order to conceal his identity as the traitor, and orders to have Ying and his clan killed.....Info

Alt titlu:Bing Fung: Chung Sang Chi Mun
Regia:Wing-cheong Law
Actori:Shengyi Huang, Hoi-Pang Lo, Baoqiang Wang, Simon Yam, Suet Lam
Gen:Istoric, Comedie, Actiune
Durata:104 minute
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