Filmul prezinta povestea vietii celebrului ganster din Chicago, Al Capone. Pelicula ilustreaza, cat se poate de elocvent, perioada in care Al Capone detine controlul asupra orasului, in timpul anilor de prohibitie. Interesant este faptul ca filmul face referire pe scurt si la anii de dupa ce Capone a fost inchis. Actori de marca dau filmului o aura aparte..
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The story is of the rise and fall of the Chicago gangster Al Capone and the control he exhibited over the city during the prohibition years.
Starting in 1918, Capone hangs out with other gangs until he is found by racketeers Johnny Torrio (Harry Guardino) and Frankie Yale (John Cassavetes). Then he pushes his way into the Chicago underworld, battling mobsters Hymie Weiss and George "Bugs" Moran, while romancing flapper Iris Crawford (Susan Blakely) and becoming kingpin of Chicago crime with the help his ambitious bodyguard Frank "The Enforcer" Nitti (played by Sylvester Stallone).
Later, in the wake of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, Capone is sent to prison, not for murder or other violent crime but for tax evasion. He contracts syphilis in prison and dies in 1947.
Capone - (1975)
IMDB:5.6/10 din 1262 voturi
Gen:Biografie, Crima, Drama
Durata:101 minute
Regia:Steve Carver
Actori:Carmen Argenziano, Ben Gazzara, Sylvester Stallone, Dick Miller, Susan Blakely
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