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Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation 1962 Online Subtitrat

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Starurile James Stewart și Maureen O’Hara îi întruchipează pe Roger și Peggy Hobbs, un cuplu St Louis care își dorește o vacanță de vis pe litoral unde închiriază o cabană.Dar oare vacanța lor este ceea-ce au visat?..Info


St. Louis based banker Roger Hobbs is writing a letter to his wife, Peggy Hobbs, about his true feelings concerning their just returned from month long vacation, the letter to be opened only after his death, whenever that may be. Mr. Hobbs wanted the vacation to be a romantic getaway for two, but Peggy insisted that it be a family vacation to a central California beach-side house, given to them for the month by friends. The vacation included all their offspring, and their offspring's respective families where applicable. Hobbs hated the idea as he felt he didn't know his offspring - and their spouses even less - and that they, in turn, no longer needed him. They include: daughter Susan Carver, who, with her husband, Stan Carver, have a permissive parenting style as per the latest child psychology books; daughter Janie Grant, whose husband, college professor, Byron Grant, has an academic view of everything in life; fourteen year old daughter, Katey Hobbs, who is self conscious around

Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation (1962)
Domnul Hobbs pleaca in vacanta
IMDB:6.9/10 din 3042 voturi
Gen:Comedie, Familie
Durata:116 minute
Regia:Henry Koster
Actori:John Saxon, Maureen O'Hara, James Stewart, Richard Collier, Natalie Trundy
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