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Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay 2008 Online Subtitrat

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In avion, in drumul spre Amsterdam, Harold si Kumar sunt confundati cu niste teroristi si sunt trimisi in Guantanamo Bay, dar nu pentru mult timp. Ei reusesc sa scape si pornesc intr-o calatorie de-a lungul tarii pentru a-si dovedi nevinovatia si pentru a cuceri cat mai multe fete! Dar mai intai, cei doi vor trebui sa pacaleasca familia Fed, sa intreaca familia Klan si sa se asigure de ajutorul primit de la Neil Patrick Harris. Aventura lor se dovedeste a fi o cursa nebuna cu cei mai cautati infractori ai Americii, dar si cei mai nebuni!dsrtghdsp

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The morning they return from their White Castle road trip, Harold and Kumar decide to go to Amsterdam because Harold doesn't want to wait ten days to see Maria again. On the plane, Kumar lights up his new bong, the air marshals think it's a bomb, and Harold and Kumar are arrested as terrorists and sent to Guantanamo Bay. Ordered to fellate a guard, they manage to escape, make their way to Florida, and head for Texas to find Kumar's ex-girlfriend's fiancé, the well-connected Colton, and get him to intercede with Washington on their behalf. Kumar still has a thing for Vanessa, the feds are in hot pursuit, and the legal weed of Amsterdam seems a long way away.movieinfocopy

Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay
Harold şi Kumar evadează din Guantanamo Bay
Gen:Comedie, Aventura
Durata:107 minute
Regia:Jon Hurwitz | Hayden Schlossberg
Actori:John Cho, Kal Penn, Rob Corddry, Jack Conley, Roger Bart, Neil Patrick Harris, Danneel Ackles, Eric Winter, Paula Garcés, Jon Reep, Missi Pyle, Mark Munoz, James Adomian, Beverly D'Angelo, Echo Valley.
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