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Only Angels Have Wings 1939 Online Subtitrat

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In timp ce asteapta sosirea vasului, Bonnie Lee face un mic popas pe un mic aeroport din America de Sud. Pilotii de acolo se ocupa cu distribuirea corespondentei peste muntii de obicei cufundati in ceata. Geoff Carter(Cary Grant), seful pilotilor pare ca nu este impresionat de avansuri. Lucrurile capata o intorsatura neasteptata in momentul in care o veche iubirea de-a lui Geoff, Judy MacPherson(Rita Hayworth), isi face aparitia la bratul sotului ei, un pilot cu o reputatie proasta.dsrtghdsp

When the ship San Luis makes a stop at the port of Barranca, to deliver mailbags and load bananas, cabaret singer Bonnie Lee leaves the boat for some hours to look around. She meets a gang of American flyers, who works for a warm-hearted Dutchman. He is the owner of a scrubby hotel, but also of the shaky Barranca Airways, lead by the tough flyer Geoff Carter. The only way to fly out of Barranca is through a deep pass at 14.000 feet above the ground. As the weather is often stormy and foggy, the flights are extremely difficult, and several flyers have already lost their lives. Bonnie falls in love with Geoff, who reminds her of her father, a trapeze artist who worked without safety net. She decides to leave the boat and stay at the hotel. But Geoff is scared of being detained by a woman. He wants to continue his risky lifestyle uninterrupted. The situation is aggravated when a new flyer, Bat MacPherson, turns up with his wife Judy. He once caused the death of a young flyer, by leaving movieinfocopy



In un aereoporto dell’America meridionale, si sta sperimentando un servizio postale. Vicende liete e drammatiche si alternano, sia per gli aerei che per i piloti. Fra i nuovi arrivati, una ragazza dal carattere non facile che si scontra col comandante e un pilota dal passato non proprio limpido…

Only Angels Have Wings
Numai îngerii au aripi
Avventurieri dell’aria [B/N] (1939)
Gen:Aventura, Drama, Romantic
Durata:121 minute
Regia:Howard Hawks
Actori:Cary Grant, Don 'Red' Barry, Noah Beery Jr., Sig Ruman, Thomas Mitchell
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