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Gang Related Sezonul 1 Online Subtitrat 720 HD

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Fiecare personaj negativ are o cauză nobilă, și fiecare erou are o latură întunecată. Detectivul Ryan Lopez este o stea în ascensiune în Los Angeles, "Gang elita Task Force. Ceea ce lumea nu știe este că  înainte ca Ryan sa devina  polițist, el a promis supunere la o altă bandă de frecvențe de frați - o bandă puternic Latino numit Los Angelicos. dsrtghdsp


Every villain has a noble cause, and every hero has a dark side. In the gritty new action-drama GANG RELATED, Detective RYAN LOPEZ (Ramon Rodriguez, “Battle Los Angeles,” “The Wire”) is a rising star in Los Angeles' elite Gang Task Force. What the world doesn't know is that long before Ryan became a cop, he pledged allegiance to a different band of brothers – a powerful Latino gang called Los Angelicos. When Ryan's best friend and police partner is senselessly killed by a notorious gang member, Ryan teams up with longtime Task Force member CASSIUS GREEN (RZA, “G.I. Joe: Retaliation,” “Californication”), who has been at the forefront of the city's war on organized crime. In this war between law enforcement and gangs, the series explores how only people who really know the streets can win the battle on the streets. Despite his profession, Ryan is still beholden..Info

Gang Related
Actori:Inbar Lavi, Ramon Rodriguez, Shantel VanSanten, Reynaldo Gallegos, Sung Kang
Country: USA
Gen:Drama, Crima, Actiune
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